64 03 15 0303A STS ~ John 12 - Mar 15 1964 - Dr. Wierwille KJV bible lesson english

2 years ago

Scripture Index: John 12:1-50
As the Father spoke to Jesus so Jesus spoke. And in the 48th verse of that which we have just read he said "The word that I have" what? Spoken. It is the spoken Word of God which is the living reality. It is the Word of God which is the same yesterday, today and forever. Whether i speak that word or you speak it or you read it in the bible, doesn't make a bit of difference. If it's the Word of God it has the same efficacy. If it's the Word of God it has the same power. It will produce the same results today as it has produced at any time in the history of our civilization. Even from the first time when the Word was given.
Here in this wonderful 12th chapter we have some tremendous truths. Many more than we will be able to ferret out tonight. But i want to begin with the fourth verse of this twelfth chapter to indicate something to you.
It said: sayeth one of his disciples Judas Iscariot which should betray him, why was not this ointment sold for 300 pence and given to the what? [Poor.] When you look at that verse of scripture sense-knowledge-wise it's exactly what we all would have concluded, wouldn't you? Because here she had taken this precious ointment and had wasted it on whose feet? The feet of Jesus. And when you look at that thing sense-knowledge-wise it does not make sense. Judas is the one who made sense - sense-knowledge wise, but you see you cannot judge spiritual things sense-knowledge-wise. Remember what the scripture says that you never judge a spiritual man or a spiritual thing by way of the senses? We judge no man after the wht? Flesh, which is to judge him via the five senses. I am sure that you do not believe this really was a waste of dedication, money or anything else, just because she poured it on his feet. Yet Judas, sense-knowledge-wise believed exactly that. He said 'My goodness' he said 'we could have sold this for a hundred pence and we could have used this money and given it to the poor people. After all they're starving; Jesus isn't starving and here she just pours it on his feet.'
You see anybody can give Jesus anything if he doesn't have anything. That's right. In other words. It's like i said to the class this week, most people wait until they got one and a half feet in the grave and then they want to get holy and religious and finally they want to do something for the Lord. They're already dead, you know, pretty well so. Why wait that long? But this usually is what happens many times at least. You know this from experience. [https://youtu.be/nl2R8PDhHGs] When they're 16, 18 years old, 20, 25 you can't get them in an outfit like this and faithfully coming and learning the Word. They'll go to parties and all this other stuff but really sit down and learn the Word? They don't, you know that. Then by the time they're 45 they start thinking about it and then from then on they start gradually getting a little deeper into spiritual things. And by the time they're 55 or 60 they're thinking about going home to heaven someday so they think they've got to get ready maybe a little bit.
God wants your best and God wants my best. And any time we give of our best to Him it is never sense-knowledge-wise feasible. That's right. Sense-knowledge-wise it's absolutely non-feasible, for me to take two weeks time - Pat Talley, Reverend & Mrs. Talley from Columbus, who is my co-worker in St Louis, to take two weeks, almost three weeks of her time (because she went early she's staying late and so forth) to teach a class of 14 people. But you cannot judge a ministry or spiritual things sense-knowledge-wise. Are those people worth teaching? Sure they are there worth teaching. Because Jesus Christ did not come, we read you know, for whole people. He came to save those and help those who need a physician, the bible says. Now Judas said this money could have been utilized much more effectively if we had taken it and given it to the poor. That's Right. I wanted you to know this, mainly because I just see two points: That you never waste what you give in service for the Lord. You can't ever out service the Lord; you can't ever outdo him. When you start doing something for the Lord it'll always be returned to you with an interest because God is that kind of a God.
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