Eyesight is not genetic

2 years ago

eyesight is not genetic
Eyesight is formed based on our habits during a lifetime
Bad habits of poor vision or clear eyesight habits are transmitted to us through mirrors neurons this is called an imitative reflex.
Imitative reflex means - for example, a child copies and imitates an adult mom or dad.
Mirror neurons can simply repeat some action after another person without even thinking.
This very useful and necessary mechanism, but as a result, it also transfers bad habits to us, and if the mother squints or watches at a screen incorrectly. Her baby unconsciously through these mirror neurons, through the imitative reflex, gets the same habits.
It happens that the child's eyesight is still good, it has not even deteriorated, and he is already squinting his eyes
Based on bad vision habits, eyes form the wrong visual behavior and, accordingly, poor vision.
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