Dynamic Color Adjustment Controls

3 years ago

My games: https://sigmasuccour.itch.io/
My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Sigmasuccour

For every single scene and environment, I like to adjust colors on the screen. Colors that best match what's going on.
And up until now, I've been... mostly working on guesses.
- I guess a combination of color values,
- input them in after making a few clicks ; opening a few windows,
- test-run the game...
- and see if it looks good.
- It doesn't look good? So I turn off the game,
- Click a few windows again,
- adjust values by guessing again,
- Then test run the game.
...and the cycle repeats.

To save time (and not having to work by guessing) I created a color adjustment UI in the game itself. Where I can dynamically see how the color changes affect the scene, and how it looks after the effect.

(Super happy I got this made! The older method was really frustrating to work with. T_T )

At the moment, this is just for me, myself. To help with the game's development.
I may... or may not put this in the finished game for the player. Though I do think for some people, it might be helpful to adjust a few of these thing, like brightness and contrast. (For accessibility reasons.)
...I'll think on it.

~ BGM by Joerao. (From RPG Maker ReStaff pack)

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