64 03 15 0303D STS ~ John 12 - Mar 15 1964 - Dr. Wierwille KJV bible teachings english

2 years ago

Scripture Index:John 12:42, 43, 48; 3 John 2
Number one: use what you have in Christ. Use it.
Number two: if there's any animosity against it; or you know, you in particular - shake the dust off your feet. Don't you carry a grudge don't you carry any animosity because you see you just can't have that stuff eating away at you you just can't have that stuff gnawing at you for if that gnaws at you then you're just as bad as they are in your walk. That's why we must be the kind of people who have no corns - physical and spiritual. So that when people endeavor to walk on your tootsies once while you don't get hurt, you simply shake the dust off your feet. Carry no resentment, no bitterness, no animosity. That's right. That's what he is talking about. Really something isn't it? Now verse 42.
[John 12:42] Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many [did what?] believed on him; but [but] because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be [what?] put out of the synagogue:
Boy! Great people aren't they? The Way Ministry? How about us? What about us? That's right. It's easy to talk about these fellas, you know we can understand this perfectly. What about our walk?
Like the fellow went to a meeting. Five sessions they had. Did you write this? Did you? Oh wait a minute. I think you're the one . . . No not this one. You're not accountable for what I'm going to tell.
Did you people hear how I was reprimanded for the story I told during the recent class over here? That night I got the beetles all mixed up with uh with termites [Laugh] They told me I better learn to tell stories and somebody else told me I better quit telling stories. Right? You remember that night I told the story? I got the beetles mixed up with the termite? Who, I said came into the bar. And he crawled up on top of the bar and he said to the man in charge is the bar tender here? [Laughter] And I tell you I got the beetles in there got all worked backwards. [Inaudible] I'm not going to tell you this one. I think Marion is the one who hold it to Catherine and Catherine wrote down, or something. I've forgotten it anyway.
There were some people who believed on him but because of the pharisees they couldn't confess it openly because they were afraid of being put out of what? [Synagogue.] The same thing is true today. The same thing is true today because if you really confess the Word of God I do not know of any denomination that will stand with you. That's right.
You know why? Because we have become so acclimatized and systematized to sense-knowledge operation that the greatness of the power of God will break through the framework of the particular organization to which we belong. The Word of truth ma'am is always bigger than anything we institutionalize or denominationalize or any other which way. I'm not telling you to get out, I'm simply telling you you're not walking.
If we would really walk on the practical side of this wonderful ministry you would be sitting in sunday school, you'd be sitting in churches, in women's guild meetings, young people's meetings, adult men's meetings and the moment the Word of God is open and they hash it to pieces; you straighten it out with great boldness. Otherwise you'll be in the same category they were here. The chief rulers believed but they could not confess him openly because they would be tossed out of what? Is that what we're afraid of? Civilizations have been moved not by followers but by leaders. Civilizations have been changed by men and women who dared to believe. That's right. And anytime you dare to believe you will always stick out like a sore thumb in high school, grade school, college, university and in life. That's right.
That Galileo. What would they have done to him? Well they did, didn't they? Finally killed him. You could go through, I could go through and list many this is true of. Every, Jesus Christ the greatest advanced leader the world has ever seen, what did they do to him? Why sure. This is, this is always the road. Yet without the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, without men like Paul and Peter after the day of Pentecost (not before because before the day of pentecost they said one thing and did another. But after that day they turned the world upside down. And yet it cost them their life. This is a day people for pioneering.

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