64 08 02 0293B STS - Jeremiah - Aug 02 1964 - Dr. Wierwille english bible lesson

2 years ago

Scripture Index: Jeremiah 15:16; Jeremiah 36:1-16
The Word has to be the joy and rejoicing or your heart. Then when somebody gets saved, hallelujah! When somebody gets healed, hallelujah. But ladies and gentlemen, if nobody gets saved, if nobody gets saved, if nobody gets healed, this is quite a constant, it is still His wonderful, matchless Word. That’s right.
It’s still His Word! Everybody acts concerned about, “How can I dance in the street for the Lord? How can I get somebody saved? How can I get somebody healed?” That's wonderful, but that's not the Advanced Class. That’s right. The Advanced Class is designed for men and women who want the Word, and to whom the Word is the joy and rejoicing of their heart.
In Jeremiah's day, how many got saved? Nobody. Nobody. That's right. How many got healed? Nobody. That’s right. Yet the Word was the joy and what, rejoicing of his heart.
That's why, Mrs. Alexander, the Word and nothing but the Word – in season, out of season, upside down, backwards, forwards. Doesn't make any difference. It’s the Word, the Word, the Word, and nothing but the Word.
This is the greatest thing you can build in your life. Both men and women are still concerned about how they can get enough of the Word so they can get everybody else taught. I'm not. Never have been. I am concerned about the Word being the joy and rejoicing of my heart. I am concerned about how this Word of God can live within me. How I can so know the Word that God can talk to me. That's what I'm concerned about.
Then, as I share it, if I'm given an opportunity to share it, then somebody else can get blessed. They can get saved. They can get healed. All this stuff. That’s wonderful. We're truly grateful for it. But nothing equals the Word, class. Nothing. Nothing. For the Word must be the joy and rejoicing of our hearts. The Word. The Word.
Not what people think, not what they say, not what's the false shepherds say. Not what the false pastors teach. Not what the National Council of Churches says, or this other outfit – they're just as wrong on the other side. What's their name? Make any difference? You know, the baloney side on the other side. All you have is one stands here and the other one stands there. And ladies and gentlemen, in between, ladies, God’s Word. Nobody pays any attention to it. Just talk about it.
See, we pull the bow, we stretch it forth, but we shoot lies. Because this Word of God, ladies and gentlemen, is God’s Word whether you agree with it or I agree with or anybody else. It’s still God’s wonderful matchless Word.
Oh, bless your heart when this begins to gel in your soul, it does something for you. So many of our people today are still running off their . . . something or other. Just running, running, running. “Where can I run to a meeting tonight?” “What meeting can I go to tomorrow night?” “Who can I visit tomorrow night and give both barrels to?”
Again, the Lord is moving by a cloud and a pillar of fire. And the Word said when the clouds stood still, they stood still. And when the pillar of fire stood still, they stood still. But today we don't stand still, we run, run, run, run, run, run, because we're not hearing the Word of the Lord. We're making it up in our little two-bit mind and blaming God for it. We say, “The Lord said to me to do so and so.”
He didn't do any of the kind. Most generally, He didn't. Because all it is, is run, run, run. How much time you spend studying the Word of God? How much time? How much do you give to the Word of God? If you spend more time running than the Word, you're way off. How much time to the Word? Are you hiding this Word in your heart? Are you being transformed by the renewing of your mind? Are you letting this Word of God dwell in you richly, or are you letting what somebody wrote, or the newspaper, or their salvation or their healing, is this what's taking your time more than the Word?
This has to be built in your heart and mind beyond anything. This has to be the joy and rejoicing of your heart. This has to be the thing that you must come to, to let this thing live deeply in your own soul.
In Jeremiah 36:1, you have the record. After the captivity had taken place in part - you know that Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon - there were two captivities of the southerner tribes of Judah and Benjamin. Twice they came for them.
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