Is Minnie Mouse In A Secret Society / Hugo Talks #lockdown

2 years ago

Is Minnie Mouse In A Secret Society / Hugo Talks #lockdown

I think you are misreading the woke agenda. Biological females are stripped of gender, while trans 'women' take on the feminine characteristics denied to actual women. It's not about making us all genderless. It's misogyny disguised as feminism & transism. Basically, certain males (a very small minority of actual men), attempting to disempower women. It also weaponizes (fake) feminism to attack actual feminists as "TERFs", cancelling women like Germaine Greer, JK Rowling, and others who stand for women's rights against this encroachment by male sociopaths.

Not only that. They also want to control the birth process. Non-science is working on womb devices to deliver children outside the body.

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