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2 years ago

Scripture Index: Philippians 4:13
Amen. Tremendous thing! Here was a woman stood faithful on giving someone the Word, and changed their life. Here was another one who believed, and for her son we ministered, and things happened. Why not? The best way to find out if God is a liar is to try it out. The best way to find out if His Word works, Don, is to do it. Try it out. Try it out.
Sure. Quit cutting it to pieces with penknives. These fellows out here in the communities that they want to chop her to pieces, all right. If you're stupid enough to listen to them, go on and be stupid. That’s right. I wouldn't spend five minutes in a church any longer where the minister would chop the Word to pieces. And if you do, you're working for the wrong God. Right. Because you still have freedom. You can walk out, and your walking out is a testimony. You're shaking the dust off of your feet and having it over with.
Oh, I know what you argue. I have them in The Way ministry argue all the time. Argue all you want, it’s still Word. They argue and say, well, maybe I'll win somebody. Maybe I'll be able to reach people through this medium. You’ve been there for 150 years; it's getting less and less and less! When are you going to wake up! Right!
People, the Bible says, come apart and be ye separated! Walk with the power of God! The Word, the Word, the Word! Haha.
Shoot. We had a guest here this week Some gal from the East. She said, a year or so ago, after teaching in a Sunday school for twenty-five or thirty years in this denomination which begins with an M, she said, “We got a new minister in. A graduate . . . a Boston boy, graduate of Harvard, and he believed absolutely nothing of the Word.” And she said, “I got an official letter from the official board asking me to kindly refrain from making application to be a Sunday School teacher because they no longer solicited my interests or services in teaching Sunday school.” And I said to her, “Well, honey, what's the matter? Why didn't they like you? Thirty years go by, you can teach them.” And she . . . you know what she said down here at dinner table, one day? She said, “Because I still believe the Bible is the Word and I was teaching them the Word as I understood it. And they no longer wanted that, so they asked me to leave. So now we talk about the birds and the bees and the hunting season. How we can paint pictures, and how we can do this and how we can do that.” And I said to her, “Well, you still go to church?” She said, “Yeah, I still go every Sunday morning.” And I looked her in the eyeball, and I said, “How stupid can you get?” That’s right.
You know why? Hey, if you worked for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, and they wrote you a letter and said your services are no longer needed; I suppose you're going to go back every day and go back to work, huh? Isn't that something? Isn’t that something? Here they wrote her a letter and said we no longer want you, but she's just so… You know why? Because we put our money in there. We've been there so many years, that our lives are all set and patterned that way. We can't break out of the mold, is what we think.
Well, where is your God? He died. Does the Word of God come first or the associations we have? Lord, when they said to her, we don't want you, you know what I’d have done? I’d have shaken the shoes off of my dust, or the dust off of my shoes or something, and I’d have got me out on that street corner someplace, and I would have said, “Thus saith the Lord, this outfit is going to hell!” It's already gone there! That's right! I’d . . . But you see? No God! No God!
Ladies and gentlemen, if you haven’t got this kind of guts, there’s no place in the Advanced Class. Because I want men and women who are willing to stand on the Word no matter what they say in your community. Men and women who will take a stand for the Word of God, come hell or high water! Don’t make any difference. Stand for the Word! If you've got to stand on a street corner and declare it, you declare it. If the elders tell you they don't want to, you tell the elders, go fly a kite; and tell them why – that, thus saith the Word! Thus saith the Word!
I've served here for thirty years in this church, teaching the Word of God the best I know. Then you tell me you don’t want the Word? What's the matter with you elders and deacons? You aren't “deacking” and you aren't eldering. You’re talking for the devil!
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