SN120000-2: Thought Policing, Botched Bathes & Progressive Results

2 years ago

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This just about wraps up the Season 12 Pre-Season Break. Yesterday, we tried to record the original version of the show but was met with severe technical difficulties. This issues were overcome - They had to be.

What's happening to humanity right now was inevitable. Things had gotten so out of control, with the mindless, absent-minded approach towards self-governance that we took, that eventually, the elites would try something like this. They thought they could get away with poisoning and masking the entire population, and as a result, the human spirit fought back.

What's happening now in Canada is a small manifestation of what's to come worldwide. The same way we saw the authoritarianism infect Australia, is the same way we're seeing the indignation sweep Canada. The "angry world" Klaus Schwab spoke off, and the Zbellion that the Pentagon wargamed is gradually coming into fruition.

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