Gene Decode with Matt MQ Standing Tall Podcast (part 1)

2 years ago

The long awaited Gene Decode interview with Matt MQ.

I apologize for the delay everyone, my computer was comprised.

This is a light hearted style chat that doesn't go super serious.

Rather we focus on humour, 5d discussion, latest Alliance movements, signals of White hat media. What is the significance of the news stories and planting the future into tv shows up to half a century before the event manifesting.

Gene and Matt both share examples of this.

Tr3b triangular space ships
Advanced technology

Matt's tribute to Cirsten W addenum to the interview we recorded at tne end of 2021.

We cover off a fair bit in part 1 as well!.

Please subscribe and hit the bell for notifications of the next video 🙂

On behalf of the love and light of divine collective as we all are, God bless and enjoy our spirited conversation.

We both had fun! Albeit the serious topic as laughter is imperitive to remain high vibration. It's a delicate balance.

Humanity is on the verge of awesomeness! Let's manifest a positive ascension of the human race to new pioneering heights. A state of bliss, a state of freedom, a state of honouring the gift of going within to never go "without".

I uploaded to Rumble instead of Youtube due to their inhumane illegal censorship. It's time to take action. Each and everyone of us. If we don't then, humanity is going to fade away. YOU are the answer, solution, and the only defence against darkness. TOGETHER WE WIN.

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