Rapture Readings 3 - Serfdom

2 years ago

The issue of the pre-Tribulation Rapture is much more serious than most people understand. Because of poor doctrinal teaching or ignorance, far too many in the church are either apathetic to the doctrine or even hostile to it. And yes, I consider it a doctrine. By the COMMAND of our Lord Jesus Christ, He clearly told us to be alert, watchful, and eagerly anticipating His soon return. By definition, anyone who is not doing that is disobedient. Again by definition, someone who is not pre-Trib in his belief system cannot be waiting anxiously for Jesus’ imminent return. Such a person is more focused on the world, because if he isn’t looking for Jesus to come, he’s focused on the things around him. “Pan-Trib” is not a viable option for a serious believer in Christ who should be living as if this world isn’t his home, because it’s not. Will things “pan” out in the end? Oh, yes, but at what cost of disobedience to the Word of the Lord?

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