The Great Reset - A brief overview of Great Reset philosophies you need to understand

2 years ago

We're going to do a full series of videos on the Great Reset, but we want to give a brief overview of the Great Reset and some terminology you may already be hearing more often. It's critical that you understand at least the basics of the Great Reset.

Terms you’ll hear but need to dismiss: socialism, marxism, communism. The Great Reset is not really any of these. The closest existing philosophy to the Great Reset is fascism. Here’s the definition: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Centralization of authority under a dictator =
Think Joe Biden and the executive orders + disregard for federal law, like the immigration laws we just showed that the government is deliberately violating

Capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls =
We’ll discuss this in more depth, but this is the “public/private partnership” terminology you will hear more and more. This revolves around the new ESG credit scoring system that’s already in place and being implemented. Again, we’ll dive deeper into this.

Violent suppression of the opposition =
Big Tech censors everything that goes against the narrative. Don’t be misled by the term violent. Violence is not just physical force imposed upon another. There’s verbal violence, emotional violence, mental violence. Bullying comes to mind. MSM will bully anyone who opposes the narrative, calling them terrorists or racists, etc. There are dozens of US citizens still rotting in solitary confinement in the DC jail from January 6, 2021 (over a year) while BLM rioters who attacked police, killed people in the streets and burned down buildings were set free or not even arrested.

Policy of belligerent nationalism and racism =
In the Great Reset of America, this is more like anti-nationalism. Critical race theory is being taught in the school systems across the country. CRT is itself racism, it’s racism against white people. It also teaches that America is an evil country rooted in racism and needs to be, essentially, reset.

Let’s talk about capitalism. The Great Reset gives visions and plans to establish stakeholder capitalism, which will replace the current shareholder capitalism that has made America the greatest country in the world. So here’s where the resetters are clever in their use of language. You’ll hear this and say, Ok, well capitalism is still good, so what’s the big deal?

Stakeholder capitalism: a system in which corporations are oriented to serve the interests of all their stakeholders. Among the key stakeholders are customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and local communities. Under this system, a company's purpose is to create long-term value and not to maximize profits and enhance shareholder value at the cost of other stakeholder groups.

Shareholder capitalism: a system in which corporations are oriented to serve the interests of all their shareholders. Shareholders include customers and investors. Under this system, a company’s purpose is to create profits and meet the demands of the shareholders.

So what’s the difference? Let’s look at something we’re all familiar with. The major automakers in the world have pledged to stop all production of combustible engines by either 2025 or 2030, I can’t remember. This decision was not made by the demand of the customers. Most people in the world do not have the means to own electric-powered cars, and they won’t have the means in 5 years either. Most families are good with their gas-powered cars, they can afford to own two of them if they need to, and fuel was (until this year) very affordable because America was producing its own oil. So the customers (shareholders) would in the majority demand the continuation of gas-powered vehicle production.

BUT the stakeholders–the leaders of the banks, technology, and other billionaire CEOs and elites from around the world–say that climate change is the most important thing to consider. [even though they fly around in private jets and buy expensive homes on islands that will supposedly be swallowed by rising sea levels, but whatever]. So since they have determined that automakers need to serve the environment before their customers, the automakers are forced to eliminate gas-powered engines and produce electric engines, even though the people buying the products would much prefer the gas-powered cars.

In stakeholder capitalism, the decisions are all made by the stakeholders–and that does NOT include YOU. The stakeholders are the elites who determine what is best and most equitable for the world.


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