🤟🏻 The Beginning of their End 🤟🏻

3 years ago

Our leader has come down with the Covid-TV (Truckers Variant)

The way through this Plandemic is by getting everyone va☠️inated.

The small fringe minority of people on the way to Ottawa who are holding unacceptable views do not represent the views of Canadians.

Following the science is the best way to continue to ensure our freedoms and our rights as a country.

#justsayno #Canada #Ontario #Quebec #Toronto #montreal #Virus #lockdowns #Treason #sheep @arturpawlowskicalgary #mtlblog #rebelnews #Police #FreeMasons #puppets #Passport #symbolism #blogplug #justintrudeau #OperationFreedom #francoislegault #truckersforfreedom @justinpjtrudeau trudeau @francoislegault.pm #freedomconvoy2022🔥 #globalnews #journaldemontreal #montrealgazette #cbcnews #ctvnews

🤟🏻The beginning of their End 🤟🏻

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