Podcasters Spit Truth About Declining Physical Standards of Modern Women | IT'S NOT OKAY TO SETTLE

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2 years ago

An upstart Podcast discussing a hypothetical situation of "would you leave your wife if she let herself go after giving birth" was raised by three guys. The honest men affirmed what so many are to scared/cucked to admit because for one, it's a Podcast called "The No Filter Podcast," so you should know what to expect, and secondly, it's not okay to change the contract and let the breacher get away with it.

The "body acceptance" movement is disastrous for numerous reasons. Getting pregnant and adopting a "mom bod," a play on the failure that is the "dad bod," is not okay. Looking at the Physiological/Biological changes of pregnancy paints a very different picture than what the activists paint. It's weird too, those who are telling you that "it's okay, your beautiful at any size," always seem to never be the blimps their advocating YOU become.

Desire better for yourself. Don't settle for the easy road. Some things are hard to get over, but it's not anywhere as difficult as what these propagandists are making it out to be.

The New York Post 1: https://nypost.com/2022/01/25/podcast-host-would-leave-wife-if-she-lets-herself-go-post-childbirth/
NYP2: https://nypost.com/2022/01/11/how-hot-mom-bods-are-stealing-the-dad-bod-spotlight/
Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/pregnancy-weight-gain/art-20044360

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#FatAcceptance #MomBod #Grifters

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