Art in the Blockchain

2 years ago

Welcome everyone to the first blog post (in English) of ArtForeva!

This project was created by two long time friends, artists born in Argentina. The world is going through a big transformation right now, everything seems to be in flux and the paradigms are shifting.

On the one hand we have the rise of new truly revolutionary technologies in crypto, blockchain and NFTs. While on the other hand the rise of Web 3.0 and the alternative social media space is booming.

Just like the world changed completely when the internet came out, and those who failed to adapt were left behind. We believe that those who fail to see this new trend coming and adopt it early, will most likely follow the same fate.

Our objective is to seek to understand everything that is happening, and how we can use these emerging technologies to the world of art. We are creating this studio from scratch, learning as we move forward. We will be documenting and sharing all our experiences in real time so you can come along in this journey. We will present the information we gathered in an easy to understand way, to help those who are not familiar with crypto.
As time goes by you’ll be able to see how the studio grows and takes shape, learning with us as we move forward.

Come with us in this adventure as we dive deep into the uncharted waters of the world that is coming to be before our very eyes.

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