Colon Cancer and Seed Oils, Predators and Domestication (Audio)

2 years ago

David Gornoski starts the episode by commenting on the online mob attack on Evangeline Lilly for her protest against the drug mandates. What did RFK Jr. say to make his wife lash out against him? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also in the show, Tucker Goodrich calls in to explain how colon cancer death rates are going up and why seed oil consumption lies at the heart of it.

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with a brand new segment of Science and U. What is the mysterious object in space that is sending signals our way? What is this newly discovered mysterious structure at the heart of the milky way? Plus, Tho Bishop of the Mises Institute calls in to talk about the Defeat the Mandate Rally, how the Left constantly escapes criticism for labeling their opponents as "fascists," the predatory nature of our rulers, the domestication of society, the cultural impact of Trump, and more.

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