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Episode 80

3 years ago

Opening with Sponge Bob Jelly Fish Dance Party, Hyrum’s big news (NOT gay) – Jeremy has AIDS (corona), DS missing, discovered Jean-Claud Van Johnson (Damme), “you guys” is not considered offensive, Hyrum thinks “y’all” is worse, girls who say “y’all” fisting is second base, Kimball has pause issues (fisting is Hyrum’s Segway word), items for sale from Hitler's train (including his “cream jar”), Hyrum listens to anti-Semitic artists (The Beatles), New York state is very much different from New York City, does Hyrum and Kimball’s mother have Dementia?, Jeremy believes everything he reads on the internet, Hyrum’s horror stories of chewing tobacco, construction site music, memories of “Pirate Island Pizza”, most restaurants are spins on the theme of Applebee’s, Hyrum is damaged, there is something wrong with male Gynecologists, Amazon tracks their employees, deep issues with Subway (Hyrum was trying to be classy) which led into talking about chicken at McDonalds and Wendy’s (BK was left out), Jeremy talked about his work with at risk kids, Hyrum expressed his feelings about 18/19 year olds, Swamp Cougars, Hyrum told a shoe shitting story, Bungled Baja, visiting the filming of “Midnight Meat Train”, Georgia Ikea’s Juneteenth lunch menu, out-tro of Flamingo

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