Economy Grows at 6.9 percent in Q-4 | Schaftlein Report

2 years ago

Economy Grows at 6.9 percent in Q-4 | Schaftlein Report
Guest: Andrew Crapuchettes - CEO of, a company that connects employers who value freedom with employees who value it too.
1) The Labor Market remains tight with the Unemployment rate below 4% - Little movement in Labor Participation Rate - We are still 2M jobs below when the Pandemic started
a. Police Departments are losing officers and are struggling to replace them due to tight labor market, rising crime and public scrutiny
b. Stocks remain volatile as rate hikes loom
2) Midstream 2 pipeline may not operate if Russia invades Ukraine - 760 mile pipeline under the Baltic Sea cost $11B to build to bring natural gas to Germany - China backs the Russians in the dispute
3) DHS Secretary Mayorkis gets an ear full in his meeting with Border Patrol Agents in Yuma, AZ - Deteriorating results, agents pissed off
4) Herschel Walker leads in Georgia and Republicans are +8 in Monmouth Generic Ballot Poll
5) Biden plans to play Identity Politics promising to nominate a black female to replace Breyer
*Republicans have tools to delay or stop an unqualified nominee in the Judiciary committee
6) Progressive DA's under fire and being labeled as "soft" on crime as rates soar
7) Video confirms Biden Administration is flying migrants on private planes from border towns to Northern cities

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