Sen. Ron Johnson COVID-19 Roundtable

2 years ago

An awesome panel of highly qualified professional doctors call out the corruption of innumerable covert-19 failed policies of the Biden administration literally written for pharmaceutical companies, not the health and well-being of the American people.

Preventative care is thrown out the window by the failed policies of the Biden administration (CDC, FDA and NIH). Ivermectin has literally been shown to solve the pandemic, but corrupt US legacy media fails to show the public. Places like Mexico City 2020 state health system deployed mobile testing units were 50,000 took ivermectin treatment kits and up to 75% avoided hospitalization, Argentina La Mitosis early tests and treatment 75% avoided hospitalization and an 88% reduction in death. Uttar Pradesh Northern India literally eradicated covert from its borders but not covered at all by the corrupt legacy medias. They tested early and treatment with ivermectin to over 97,000 villages and even gave out ivermectin to households as a preventative kit. In September 2021 in 67 out of the 75 districts there was not one active case of coronavirus.

How about the Brazilian city of Itajai, a southern city in Brazil in the state of Santa Catarina which has complete data on 160,000 people. 50% less got the disease and 68% less hospitalizations and deaths were 77% less often. Unfortunately, America doesn't learn from other countries that have successfully beat coronavirus. America will continue on this downward spiral to craziness; lockdowns, mask and mandates. Doing the same thing and expecting different results. The World Health Organization said you can't boost your way out of this pandemic. It won't be until America wakes up and realizes that early treatment (personal doctor care) is the way forward. Government [Biden administration, FDA, CDC and NIH] needs to step out of the way, denounce the mandates [medical tyranny] and stop destroying our country.

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