Eye exercises correct choice

2 years ago

Choose the correct eye exercises for you.
If you do incorrect eye exercises, they can worsen your eyesight. A lot of people sometimes do some kind of exercise from the Internet and their eyesight only got worse. For example. A person with myopia already had an eye muscle spasm and he did not give rest to his eyes, and he did top 10 exercises to improve eyesight and strain them much more, with 10 exercises in one workout, causing even more spasm. Should be a maximum of 3 special exercises with a maximum of 1 or 2 repetitions and relaxation before and after exercises. That is why the 3 best exercises for myopia are on my channel.
If you get the habit of giving your eyes rest and relaxation, plus get the habit of doing a little gentle stretching of the eye muscles, plus start looking more often at distant objects you will gradually improve your vision.
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