Sacred Warrior Space 6: The Halls of Amenti Are Now OPEN!

2 years ago

In this video I talk about the very first Symposium for All Benevolent Races that took place on January 23, 2022 and all this implies... I discuss which sacred activations were completed so when you see it with your physical eyes, you will already know the energy that is here, now. It's time to uplevel yourselves in this organic ascension process already underway. The Halls of Amenti are NOW OPEN straight through into 7D and faster frequencies bands. How 'fast' are you going now? Where is your center and what grounds you? How much light are you holding in your center? What is your light quotient? Visit for details on this Symposium dropping on February 13, 2022. No souls left behind! It's time to remember who and what you are beautiful souls!

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