#MONKEYCRAP (literally) All Over Town. Jenn Pushes More Dope & Is @DirkHunt a #RACIST #ToddDICKerson

3 years ago

Monkey Feces is Everywhere! #GoodDay Oscoda Charter Township ! Today on Jenn & Dirk...

Is Dirk a Racist? #firetoddDICKerson. Jenn pushes more over her #marijania #AGITPROP. It's cold on the Bay Tawas Beach Perchville USA. Why can't everyone get along and do what's best, and what the vast majority of us #Oscodians know whats righ.

We can't hold #firetodddickerson for the real blame. It falls on the board it's self and the #EIC Committee.

.... and Dirk poops 2x on the show.

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