85 04 07 TOM 8803o The Moment Of A New Age Apr 07 1985 Dr. Wierwille english bible lesson

3 years ago

Scripture Index - Mark 16:9; John 20:11-17; Matthew 28:8, 9; Hebrews 2:1-18; 3:1-19; 4:1-16; 7:25, 26; 8:1, 2, 6; 9:11-14; John 20:1-8

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Intro: God bless you. The March 1988 tape of the month is a teaching by Dr. Wierwille from the Georgia limb meeting on April 7 1985. Dr. Wierwille taught The Moment of a New Age. Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille.
Today I thought I'd like to bless you people in dealing with the subject of The Moment of a New Age.
Saturday is the seventh day of a week and Jesus Christ arose on Saturday.
This in itself is significant because seven, biblically seven is the number of perfection. And when everything was perfected for your redemption and mine and Jesus Christ had paid it all, then God raised him from the dead. It was on the seventh day.

These things are all so significant to me because numbers in scripture are not used haphazardly. They are used with a very great mathematical exactness.

And you just keep learning; it was just this week.

This past week that I learned why Jesus Christ was on the cross for six hours. You know I knew he was crucified at nine in the morning and died at three in the afternoon at the exact hour when the Passover lamb was killed but I'd really never given it any great thought. Why six hours? Because once they nailed him to the cross if that was really all that was to it why didn't he just give up his life the? He didn't die on the cross because they nailed it to him, the scripture says he gave up his life, he laid it down. He could have laid it down five minutes after they nailed him up, then he wouldn't have had to suffer for the rest of the hours. But the reason he was on the cross for six hours? Because six is the biblical number for man and Jesus Christ died for all men sins all over the world. And that's why he was hanged on the cross and he stayed there for six hours. And the reason he was crucified in the midst of four is because four is a world number; and he died for the sins of the world. Therefore he was crucified in the midst of four. And God raised him on the third day because of the divine perfection of that day.

It is also remarkable to me that when Jesus Christ appeared for the first time on what we know as the first day of the week, Easter Sunday, he appeared unto Mary Magdalene and that record is in mark 16 class. Mark 16:9 Now when [and the word when is after]

Mark 16:9 Now [after] Jesus was risen early the first of the week.

The word day you don't need. The first of the week which would be Easter Sunday. First day of the week would still be Easter Sunday. He appeared first to whom? Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast what? Seven devils. That to me class is a remarkable statement of truth. You would think after all of this period of time and all the people that took a crack at Jesus Christ; all those governmental leaders, all the religious leaders, that once God had raised him from the dead and Jesus had successfully completed his whole mission; the first ones that he should have appeared to were those dudes that were responsible basically for his death.

But he didn't. He appeared first to Mary Magdalene. Now Mary Magdalene was not a woman of great society, importance, she was not one of those blue bloods, she was a woman out of whom he had done what? Cast seven devils and she was a woman that really loved him because all during those six hours he was hanging on the cross she was at the cross. Later when Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus's body and buried it in that new sepulcher Mary Magdalene stood a far off and watched it happen. Then later on when the the following day when they set the guards and they sealed the tomb politically and officially, she watched him do all of this. So she was a woman with great love in her heart for Jesus Christ and to me it's a remarkable thing that on his first appearance on Easter Sunday he appeared to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils. But as he appeared to her there's a record in john 20 you have to understand at the time of his appearance to Mary Magdalene.

John chapter 20 verse 11.
John 20:11 But Mary stood without at the sepulcher weeping: and as she wept ,she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre,
[12] And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.

It wasn't there any longer. That's where it had lain. And those two angels said

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