Trent on the Loos - January 27, 2022

2 years ago

Trent travels Stark County, North Dakota with the Stark County Sheriff's Department. Trent patrols with Sheriff Corey Lee. Then, Trent is at the office with Sergeant Mike Keesler, a civil division deputy with the Stark County Sheriff's Department.

Episode 68

#BEKNews #BEK #TrentOnTheLoos #TrentLoos #StarkCounty #Stark #County #Sheriffs #Department #StarkCountySheriffsDepartment #Sheriff #LawEnforcement #Law #Enforcement #Deputy #Sergeant #Sgt #Officer #Police #Constitution #UnitedStates #US #USConstitution #UnitedStatesConstitution #CoreyLee #SheriffCoreyLee #Corey #Lee #SergeantMikeKeesler #SgtMikeKeesler #Mike #Keesler #Patrol #Patrolling #OnPatrol

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