65 01 16 0337A STS Meaning Of Christ's Death Jan 16 1965 Dr. Wierwille bible english lesson

2 years ago

Scripture Index: 1 Peter 2:24; Romans 10:3, 4; Galatians 3:13; 5:1; Acts 1:22
Take your Bibles tonight and turn to 1 Peter. In this class on power for abundant living I have been teaching them… teaching you… from the Word of God we have read what it what it means: body, soul, and spirit… form, made, and created… and that how when man lost his spirit he had only what left? Body and soul; that's all.
And this man of body and soul is called the scientific man. He's the man of pure reason, Emmanuel Kant. He is the man who gets all of his information via his five senses.
We have also covered the fact, or the truth from the Word of God, that this man is called the natural man in the Bible. The natural man is the man of the flesh. He is also called the carnal man. And this natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God; they're foolish unto him, because the things of the spirit of God can only be known, how? Via the spirit. Things which are in the natural world we can know by our five senses, but things in the spirit world can only be known how? By the spirit.
Then we covered in the Word of God exactly what Jesus Christ came to do, of how he was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, and when John the Baptist, or John the Baptizer baptized Jesus, it said the holy spirit came on him. Remember? And that he did not have the spirit by measure, but he had everything that was available up to that time, which included seven manifestations of the spirit.
He had prophecy. He had word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning the spirits, faith, miracles, and what else? Healing! That's right.
We followed it through. Then we were at the place, closing on Friday night, with exactly what did his death, his resurrection, and his ascension accomplish? And that thing just didn't quite set good with me after y'all went home. I thought to myself: my that's infinitely greater, yet than what I’ve taught to them on Friday night.
So tonight by the grace of God, I’d like to take you into this Word of God, and again let this Word of God speak to us, to see exactly what God had in mind with Jesus Christ here. In other words I’d like to cover the meaning of his death, his resurrection and his ascension with you tonight from the Word.
The first one we turn to is First Peter Chapter Two. Does everybody have it? First Peter chapter 2, verse 24. Rachel Wyatt, will you read it please?
1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
Wonderful! Who his own self, who in his own self, bear our sins in his own body on what? The tree! The cross was a tree and here again it says so. He bore our sins in his own body on what? The tree.
Now most people believe this. Right? This they will accept, that when Christ died he bore our sins. Right.? But why won't they accept the other part of the scripture? It's in the same verse, ladies and gentlemen! It's in the same verse.
Now we're talking about what Jesus did for us; what he accomplished. Right. And we're not talking about what you think or I think, but what does the Word say? And the Word says that he bore our sins in his own body on the what? [tree] That we being dead to sin, should live unto what? [righteousness] by whose stripes ye were what? Healed.
The scripture says, when he died upon the cross, upon the tree, he took our what? [sins] But before he died upon the cross they beat him, they spit in his face, they put a crown of thorns on, they did a lot of things to it, and it said that by his stripes we were what? [healed] and had He meant healing that this was spiritual healing He'd have said so. This is physical healing, because spiritual healing is in the first part of that verse! Bless your heart. Right? Good, Hallelujah! That's right!
This is why, ladies and gentlemen, we either accept the Word of God or we don't. Right? You can't take just half of a verse of scripture. You take it all or nothing.
And when Jesus Christ died, he not only took our sins, but he took the consequences of our sin, which is sickness. Does this mean that we will never get sick? No. I didn't say anything like it, nor does it mean you will never sin.
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