65 02 14 0273B STS Comparison Of Epistles & Gospels Feb 14 1965 Dr. Wierwille bible english lesson

2 years ago

Scripture Index: Matthew 16:18; 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19; Luke 17:9; (Matthew 24); John 15:14; 1 John 3:2; John 14:12, 13
In Matthew he says, “I will build my church,” this is in the Gospels. In the Church Epistles - in the Church Epistles who has the ministry of reconciliation and the word of reconciliation? Who builds the church in the Church Epistles, Jack Hunt? The believers, we do. In the Gospels who’s going to build the church. Jesus Christ. That’s what it says, that’s what it means. Nobody understands it, and it’s simple because he says he’ll built it, right? Well, bless God, if he says he’ll build it, who’s going to build it? He is, right? The Church of the Gospels, he builds. But, the Church of the Epistles are built by the believers in whom dwells the Word and the ministry of reconciliation. Look at 2 Corinthians chapter 5, verses 18 and 19.

2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;

Alright, now He’s given to us, what? The ministry of reconciliation. Yet in the Gospels, who was reconciling men? Jesus Christ. Now read verse 19 carefully, alright.

Verse 19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

Right. Has committed to who? Us, the believers, the church, the body – He has committed the Word of what? [Reconciliation.] Alright, then if He has committed the ministry of reconciliation, the ministry of reconciling men and women, and He has committed the Word to do the job with, then whose job is it to do it? That’s why in the Church Epistles, to win men and women for Christ is a job of the believers. While in the Gospels, to win men to Christ was Jesus’ job, and he said I will build my church. In the epistles, it says you do it by the power of God. Isn’t that wonderful, people? Oh I tell you, it just thrills my heart when this Word sets so beautifully and so simply, then you have no contradiction, no error. All you do is believe what God’s Word says, that’s all.

Alright, take it a step further. I’m just showing you some of the tremendous things in the Gospels in relation to the epistles tonight to let this thing set like a diamond in your soul, so you’d just be blessed all week, maybe for a whole year. I hope that you’ll never forget the greatness of this night of the accuracy of God’s Word and how simply and beautifully it sets.

In the Gospels, for instance, those who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ – what are they called in the Gospels? Servants, right. He at one place called them, what? Anybody know? Friends, right. Were they ever called sons of God? No. In the Gospels they were servants. They were servants in a perpendicular way – this way, perpendicular. They were servants to God this way and they were servants to their fellow man on an horizontal plane, this way. But in the Church Epistles we are never called a servant. In the Church Epistles, we are called sons of God this way, in a perpendicular relationship, sons of God this way in a perpendicular relationship and servants to our fellow man on an horizontal plane. It’s something, isn’t? Why? Because of the accuracy with which the Word is set.

Look at Luke 17:9. Someone get Luke 17:9, someone else John 15 verse 14 and someone else the first epistle of John, chapter 3 verse 2. Now remember, I’m showing you the difference between the Gospels and the epistles. Luke 17:9, who has it, please? Anyone? You got it? Stand up. That’s wonderful.

Luke 17:9 Doth he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I trow not.

Right. Does he thank that servant, does he thank the servant because he carried out? And in that body of that text and other places, it talks about the Lord’s return and the servants being ready for his return.) Matthew 24, don’t look it up, but in Matthew 24 it talks about - Dr. Belt, you should know Matthew 24 real well - there it talks entirely about, what? Servants, the servants being ready. This is in the Gospels.

Now the other one I’d like just for you to read is John 15 verse 14. Who has that? Way back in there, we’ll take it. Well, we’ll take it right up here. Alright, John.
John 15:14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you...
(continued - https://youtu.be/n0L7TsUSkR0 )
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