65 02 14 0273C STS Comparison Of Epistles & Gospels Feb 14 1965 Dr. Wierwille bible english lesson

2 years ago

Scripture Index: Romans 15:8; John 1:11; Matthew 10:6; Luke 4:16-21

This is why, class, in the Gospels the new birth - the new birth - is never really – this new creation that we receive in the new birth, is really never touched in the Gospels. Jesus, in his discussion with Nicodemus, simply hints at the new birth. Could Nicodemus at that time be born again? [No] Why not? It was not available. Therefore all that was happening – he was teaching him a little, sharing a little with him, that’s all (Jesus was). When John wrote - boy, it just sends chills up and down my spine when I think of the greatness of this thing tonight - when John wrote that story about Nicodemus: having sat under the ministry of Paul, having read his epistles, having read the greatness of the revelation that’s recorded in the epistles, could he not just have easily have slipped in a line or two there? Why didn’t he? Because holy men of God spake as they were what? [Moved] By the holy spirit. Boy, you talk about the divine inspiration of scriptures, there it sets like a diamond. Tremendous. If you understand revelation, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, then that scripture all fits like a hand in a glove.

In the Gospels, there is no word about Christ being our substitute for our righteousness. In the Gospels, it isn’t there. There is no record in the Gospels that Jesus Christ was delivered for our sins and was raised again when we were justified. It’s not in the Gospels; it’s in the epistles. There is no record in the Gospels telling us that you are complete in him. This record is in the Church Epistles. There is no record, not even a hint in any of the four Gospels, regarding the truth of the born again believers – that we are translated into the kingdom of his dear son. This is in the epistles. There is no hint or record in the Gospels that the believer is seated in the heavenlies with Christ Jesus. That record, that the believer is seated in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus, is in the epistles. There is no record in the Gospels that the believer is blessed with every spiritual blessing. The record that everybody – that the believer is blessed with every spiritual blessing, is in the Church Epistles. There is no record in the Gospels that Jesus Christ will supply all of our need according to his riches in glory because in the Gospels he was not in glory; he was here upon earth. That’s why you go to the Church Epistles and it says that he will supply all of our need according to his riches in glory. Sure. There is no record in the Gospels telling us that we are more than conquerors in Jesus Christ. You must go to the epistles, and there it says that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. People, all these great and wonderful truths of the greatness of the revelation that’s recorded in the epistles, not one iota of that basically, is in the Gospels. Isn’t that something? The great standing you have in Christ, the great state you have in Christ, the abundance that’s available to believers today: all of this is not in the Gospels at all, it’s all in the Church Epistles. Why? Because the Gospels terminate with the resurrection or the ascension, and the greatness of the church, the Body of Christ, began on the day of Pentecost.

That’s why it was a great light to my soul (great learning to my own little self) when I realized that Jesus Christ never came to start the church to which you and I belong. The church that he came and the church he started was the called out ones from Israel. He came to Israel, he came to his people, and he called them out and he said, “I will build my church.” In Romans 15 you have this tremendous truth because it very plainly says in one verse what I have just told you in the last minute or so. In Romans 15 verse 8, who has that record? Alright, John.

Romans 15:8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:

Right. He’s a minister of, or to the circumcision. The circumcision are who? Israel, to the Jews, Israel. He was a minister to them, to the circumcision. He didn’t come to minister to the Gentiles and to start the Church of the Body to which you and I belong because it was not available.

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