A Beginner Guide to End Big Tech Brainwashing

2 years ago

Copy and paste news. Fact checkers. Google black list. How to navigate Big Tech junk, and emancipate ourselves from mental slavery.

In 1991, a Swiss computer programmer named Tim Berners-Lee changed the internet forever by introducing the World Wide Web. The internet, originally a US military innovation during the Cold War, had only ever been previously used to send information between computers, but with this development, instant digital access to information rapidly become a normality. 31 years later, the collective knowledge of humanity is at the tip of our fingers, by desktop or mobile device; you just have to “Google it.”

As the internet grew in popularity, libraries, CD shops, written mail, local newspapers, theaters, etc. rapidly plunged into endangerment, because the conveniences of the ever evolving internet made them obsolete. It would at first seem that this technological revolution, the dawn of the digital age, was the greatest decentralization of information in human history, but a critical mind knows, things aren’t so black and white.

The World Wide Web has been ground zero for both the greatest public awakening in our recent history, and simultaneously the central instrument of the most terrifying mass formation we have ever faced. It is a double edged sword, and the active battlefront for our minds.

When exploring the internet, it is imperative that one is equipped with essential tools and the awareness to discern between what is true, and the malicious fiction of corporate and governmental propagandists. Let’s have a look at what we’re up against; this powerful 6 minute video exposes Big Tech’s key methods of industrialized mind control.

Source: https://drtrozzi.org/2022/01/26/a-beginner-guide-to-end-big-tech-brainwashing/

Videos: https://plandemicseries.com/

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