Crushing Cancer A Patient’s Complete Guide to Managing a Cancer Diagnosis Dr. Kerry A Forrestal MD

2 years ago

What to do from Day One, Hour One of a cancer diagnosis

1.7 million people will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States this year. 1.7 million will get news that they can’t quite believe and have their world changed in the space of a few sentences. If you are reading this, chances are your life has been impacted by a cancer diagnosis.

We will look at what to do from Day One, Hour One of your diagnosis.

Managing a cancer diagnosis is not only managing the disease, it’s also taking care of your finances and workplace, making sure you are legally protected, and that you can manage all the complications and emergencies that arise.

I wrote this book with the help of dozens of experts including medical doctors from numerous fields, pharmacists, and researchers. In addition to the medical aspects, I interviewed lawyers, accountants, counselors and clergy (from various faiths) who all joined to create this resource for you.

Cancer is a fight. Knowledge is the best weapon you can have.

This book is written for you to arm yourself and TO WIN.

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