More evidence of PPE being dumped in CA verified! Photos and footage!

2 years ago

#PPE, #PPEshortage, #California, #Scamdemic, #CaliforniaDumpingPPE

Special Guest, my brother Andy.

Talked about some projects we have been working on, then the news segment over the millions of dollars of PPE that is being shredded in California.

Special thanks to Dan Noyes who has been following this story out of California.

The County Supervisor Bea Gonzales said they were told by the Federal government to shred it and she didn't have the answer as to why, but wherever there are questions posed, it leads to more questions.

Opposing story from the CEO of the company were the pallets of PPE were starting to tumble down.

See all the names ICU Eyewear comes under from a Corporation hunt and a thread on how Corporations are always changing corporation names just as the song "We Built This City" talks about in it's iconic lyrics.

See how you can tell it is a Foreign Company registered in Oregon doing business out of California.

Some of the threads, Facebook Frames and the article with Full Sources found here,

Facebook Frames **What the County Supervisor in San Benito has to say about PPE being shredded including face shields. See the company who claims to recoup some of their tariff costs if they have it shredded Verified in an ABC 7 News Report!** Do you find this curious?

More than $10M worth of masks, protective gear left in the rain outside Bay Area event center. Hear what the CEO and the County Supervisor have to say. As reported by ABC 7 local news in California.

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