9 Beginner Gardening Mistakes to Avoid [gardening tips for beginners]

2 years ago

Growing plants and gardening is an enjoyable and rewarding activity for older adults. The benefits of gardening for seniors are numerous, and in addition to entertaining, it is also beneficial for improving their health.
Gardening for seniors better health
Gardening never gets old, but sometimes the people who enjoy it the most find it challenging to do. While many seniors give up this pastime, there are ways to continue gardening regardless of mobility or strength.
Gardening tips for beginners
Research shows gardening and regular contact with plants are useful for seniors. Aromatic plants can help to trigger memories in patients with dementia. Exposure to plants can relax hospital patients and speed healing and recovery times.

Gardening can also act as occupational therapy. Pruning, planting, weeding, and watering are physically stimulating and can help to encourage the use of motor skills. And don’t underestimate the psychological well-being gardening offers.

Seniors benefit emotionally from having the opportunity to care for something at a time when someone else is caring for them. And the act of gardening reduces stress levels and promotes relaxation.
Vegetable gardening for beginners

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