The Great Global Warming Swindle (2007)

3 years ago

The Great Global Warming Swindle caused controversy in the UK when it premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4. A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against the so-called "consensus" that global warming is man-made.

According to Martin Durkin, the chief cause of climate change is not human activity but changes in radiation from the sun. Some have called The Great Global Warming Swindle the definitive retort to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. Using a comprehensive range of evidence it’s claimed that warming over the past 300 years represents a natural recovery from a ‘little ice age’.

Humans do have an effect on climate, but it’s infinitesimally small compared with the vast natural forces which are constantly pushing global temperatures this way and that. From melting glaciers and rising sea levels, The Great Global Warming Swindle debunks the myths, and exposes what may well prove to be the darkest chapter in the history of mankind. According to a group of leading scientists brought together by documentary maker Martin Durkin everything you’ve ever been told about global warming is UNTRUE.

“Global warming has become a story of huge political significance; environmental activists using scare tactics to further their cause; scientists adding credence to secure billions of dollars in research money; politicians after headlines and a media happy to play along. No-one dares speak against it for risk of being unpopular, losing funds and jeopardizing careers.”

The true origins of the climate change movement were formed by the Club of Rome… thus began the greatest swindle of all time.


The Great Global Warming Swindle should be seen by everyone interested in the global environment, especially those who have seen the Al Gore movie. --Professor William M. Gray, meteorologist

The Global Warmers have had their day. For years they have blamed ordinary folk for just about every environmental disaster known to man. But now, at last, the truth is out. Watch The Great Global Warming Swindle and be amazed. --Editorial, Sunday Express

Only very rarely can a documentary be seen as a pivotal moment in a major political debate, but such is The Great Global Warming Swindle. Never before has there been such a devastating authoritative account of how the hysteria over global warming has parted company with reality. Martin Durkin's superbly professional film shows how the evidence is now overwhelming that the chief cause of climate change is not human activity, but changes in radiation from the sun. --Christopher Booker, Sunday Telegraph


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