2202-01-25 The Right Overnight News

2 years ago

News today for conservatives about overnight news, early in the morning. Pelosi again being unethical, again; the Chinese making a joke about an F-35 stealth fighter crash; Devin Nunez pointing out the hypocrites not investigating Hunter Biden's laptop; and a report on the real Patriot Front members.

Please find links below, and consider visiting TheRightOvernightNews.Wordpress.com .

Thanks. Lee

RawStory.com Devin Nunes interview.
Devin Nunes Says 300 people should be investigating stories such as Hunter Biden's laptop. Ukraine’s situation is because Biden is weak. Good interview now that he is freer to speak on the record. Let’s hope his new job working for President Trump keeps him happy.

Patriot Front, Exposed by The Gateway Pundit (Jim and Joe Hoft)
Very good investigation into Thomas Ryan Rousseau, a young wannabe Neo-Nazi who founded the Patriot Front. Well worth the read.
[https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/breaking-exclusive-patriot-front-founder-23-year-old-walked-tiki-torch-march-charlottesville/ ]

Sarah Palin Tests Positive for Covid, on the day her Trial against the NYTimes begins.
Palin has a beef with the NYTimes claiming the leftist newspaper said she was partially responsible for Gabby Gifford's shooting. There is a long story and the idea that Palin could win is weak. Also, the judge made a derogatory quip about Palin.
[https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/sarah-palin-tests-positive-covid-19-defamation-trial-new-york-times-set-begin/ ]

Pentagon has put 8,500 troops on alert for possible deployment because of Ukraine.
Though it is not clear if they had a location in mind, the assembly of troops is part of the Rapid-Response force of NATO.
ne-tensions-video/ ]

Clear, Accurate, Scientific study shows Ivermectin worked. Zerohedge.
The study was done in Brazil under good conditions and Peer-Reviewed.
[https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/large-peer-reviewed-research-study-proves-ivermectin-works ]

California Dems in State Legislature introduced bill for 12+ year olds to get vaccinated without parental consent.
This will be contentious. (In my opinion it seems like some lawmakers try to make the most annoying, outrageous laws that will certainly be thrown out. Why, you have to ask, Why?)
[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/california-bill-would-let-children-get-covid-19-jab-without-parental-approval ]

F-35 Crashlands on US Carrier in the South China Sea: Chinese gov't says, "Well, the US fleet should not be there in the first place".
The fighter jet crash was on the USS Carl Vinson. 7 injured, but all reported to be in stable condition. This is the first recorded use of a Stealth fighter deployed off a carrier. (According to Zerohedge).
[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/california-bill-would-let-children-get-covid-19-jab-without-parental-approval ]

“Stupid Son of A Bitch” Doocy gets a call from President Biden
Biden made the offhand remark after a question from Fox News reporter, Doocy. Hannity, later on Fox News, asked his colleague if Biden 'Apologized' and it was clear that he did not. But the call was, in the President's words, "To clear the air". It is not a usual occurrence for a president to call a reporter about an insult. (Imagine Doocy telling this story over and over again in his old age. )
[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/stupid-son-bitch-biden-busted-hot-mic-after-being-asked-about-americans-biggest-worry ]

Nancy Pelosi is capitalizing on the Capitol Police force, to use intel on visitors.
Some inside the police force have reported this malfeasance to their oversight body because they felt it was a misuse of the data they collect. Apparently, Nancy Pelosi's office has been accessing this information. Who is visiting who, where, subject, etc. Opposition lawmakers are having vital information shared with the ruling Democrats.
[https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/pelosis-capitol-police-gathering-intelligence-hill-staffers-citizens-meet-lawmakers/ ]

Joe Rogan Slammed CNN in a recent broadcast with James Lindsay.
Says they are losers, basically. Lower and lower viewership. Quoted as saying, (paraphrased by me( "CNN has ruined CNN". This broadcast was also interesting because of Lindsay's explanation of the recent trend to support the 'sexualizing' of young students as a way to separate them from their parents and other authority figures (I am paraphrasing).
[https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/joe-rogan-slams-cnn-destroyed-business-video/ ]

Jen Psaki: “Gun violence is a big problem for the surge in crime. Underfunding of some police departments and their need for additional resources.”
It would not be disingenuous to observe that Jen means, or admits, even circuitously, that defunding the police is accelerating the growth in crime.
[https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/jen-psaki-finally-comes-clean-admits-defunding-police-increased-crime-america-video/ ]

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