DAY 22 of REVIVAL - “Who should I pray for?”

2 years ago

DAY 22 of REVIVAL - “Who should I pray for?”

Should I pray for my family?

Should I be praying for our Nation?

Would praying for our Mayor make a difference?

What if I started to pray for my neighbors?
Is it OK to pray for myself?

Would God be mad at me if I asked for His Blessings for my business?

Is anyone praying for our Police? Would that be OK with the Lord?

“Who should I pray for?”

That’s a great question … here’s a list of 7 groups of people that should be on your Prayer List!

That makes 1 Group per day … and in a week’s time you will have covered everyone!

And even if you only prayed for them 10 minutes each day … how easy could it be?

Watch this short message and see if there might be others that you can add to YOUR List!

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