A Job Guide to the Great Reset

2 years ago

Job Guide to Save the Republic
(My 8 Step Strategy For Restoring The American Idea !)
Presented by Eric Stern

Let me tell you a quick story...
At the turn of the Century I was a Airman in the United States Airforce. My specific job was an aircraft mechanic. To do my job as a hydraulic tech on C-130's or any other job in the military in general we had to follow what all the Senior NCO's like to call Tech Data.
Tech Data are just that, it's all the technical information on that specific Aircraft or what ever you happen to be working on. As you can imagine these manuals were Gigantic. To narrow things down that T.O. is chopped down to what are known as Job Guides. These are much more specific to the job at hand.
I though that's a pretty appropriate way for me to breakdown the eight things that I believe can and will save this struggling Republic.

Big Picture Strategy For Restoring The American Idea :
* Family
* Truth
* Old Books
* "Good Trouble"
* Ownership
* Take Responsibility
* Learn from others you disagree with

Get married
Have kids

Don't lie
We spent most of 2021 calling out the liars around us, the media, Hollywood, doctors the list goes on
Liberty deserve the truth and will thrive in an environment that demands it.

Old Books
Read old books.
Anything that's going on today, went on at point in the past
The pandemic is the perfect example.
The past is concrete. It happened you can see it, read it

"Good Trouble"
Be peacefully disobedient.
Learn to say NO

Buy a home
Roots matter if you own your home you care about your neighborhood
More likely to be involved in local politics
Remember It's "Life, Liberty and PROPERTY" not the pursuit of happiness

Take Responsibility
Stop asking Government to "FIX" things they don't
Take the responsibility and FIX it yourself or find someone local who can
The point here is that YOU are responsible for your AOR
STOP bitching out what you can fix

Stop saying we live in a democracy (we don't)
The "Electoral College" is NOT democratic
If we lived in a Democracy we would be required to vote on every piece of legislation that was introduced.
We don't do that. We have representatives that cast our votes for us.

Learn From Others You Disagree With
It's hard but I/we need to have a open dialog with the ones we disagree with
It's the only way we can learn to get along with one another.
Look around and you can tell WE STOPPED talking to one another along time ago

Conclusion / Final Thoughts:
These are just a few things that we can start doing RIGHT NOW.
Sounds easy apparently it isn't

Next Steps:
Want to learn more about what you can do to strengthen yourself, family and community?
Get Glenn Beck's New Book "The Great Reset" Rise of 21st Century Fascism. https://amzn.to/3Kb0nmK

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