Alan Watt - "Scientists' Frankensteinian Wet Dream: Humanimals for a Grazed New World" 1.23.22

3 years ago

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt

"Scientists' Frankensteinian Wet Dream - Humanimals for a Grazed New World"

[Original Broadcast 24 Jan 2008] - Going Back in Time - Technocrats - New Society, Communitarianism - Comintern, Beria, Pavlovian Techniques - Nationalism, Centralization of Power, Internationalism. Neoplatonism, "Natural Aristocracy" - American Founding Fathers, Jefferson, Revolution - Colors of Communism, Red, Green - Green Party - Dialectic - John Dee, Free Trade, British Empire - Rosicrucians, Freemasonry - France, Secret Meetings - Ben Franklin, Madame Blavatsky, Theosophy - Sheepdogs Herding Sheep - Churches, Commerce - Catholic Church, Indulgences, Carbon Taxes, Club of Rome, Public as Enemy - Foundations, Think Tanks, NGOs - Previous Warming and Ice Ages - Aerial Spraying - Rip-off Taxation - Sterilization to "Save Mother Earth" - Environmental Groups - Emissions Cuts for "Rich" Countries - Religion Shopping, Rituals, New Age - Individual Experiences and Searching - "Know Thyself" - Emotion and Logic - Values - Ego, Persona - Othello Syndrome - George Orwell, Retention of Humanity - Man Playing God - Ancient Greek Atomic Theory, Mythology of Gods.


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