Steve Kirsch: I make decisions based on what THE DATA say, not on what people TELL ME the data says

2 years ago


All the deaths were entirely avoidable since we have had safe, effective, cheap, available early treatments since almost day 1. One example is fluvoxamine.

If the authorities are going to mandate anything, they should mandate that everybody who has COVID is offered safe and effective early treatment.

We don't need masks, vaccines, lockdown and mandates. We never did.

We need to start listening to the doctors who have treated thousands of COVID cases with no deaths. Is that too much to ask? The NIH refuse to listen to these doctors and instead focus on a vaccine of which all the evidence shows it is making everything significantly worse.

The authorities don't present a risk-benefit analysis, because it is negative. According to over 12 studies, the vaccines are killing at least 15 people for every person they save. For kids it's even worse: we are killing a 100 children for every child death we MIGHT save from COVID.

Nobody has the right to mandate that I must risk my life to save other people that I don't even know. I will not voluntarily choose to deprive my kids of their father. Nobody has the right to mandate an increased risk of me getting infected. This is what recent data show.

Patients ask their doctors for advice on vaccination, but doctors can't speak the truth. If they say anything negative about any vaccine, they run a huge risk of getting fired and getting their license revoked. This isn't about what's best for patients. It is about silencing trusted professional using intimidation tactics and that is wrong.

There is absolutely no accountability from anybody in health authorities, since nobody wanted to answer any tough question on camera, not even for a million dollars to be given to them or donated to a charity of their choosing. This refusal even for such a huge bonus for a few hours of time, is a huge red flag that those in authority know they are wrong.

For each report of a vaccine injury published, there are in reality 40 vaccine injuries (so 39 out of 40 are not reported or published). That means that there are by now 40 MILLION COVID jab injuries in the U.S. How is it possible that the CDC cannot find a single safety signal after 40 million adverse events?

Steve Kirsch informed the head of the FDA, Janet Woodcock, on Maddie de Garay's injury during the Pfizer clinical trials for the COVID jab in adolescents. Maddie is now on her way to becoming a quadriplegic because of the jab. Woodcock promised that she would investigate, but many months later, still no one has even contacted Maddie's parents.

Why aren't the authorities telling everybody that there is a 1 in 1000 chance that a child may get paralyzed for life by the COVID jab?

If the jabs are so safe, why aren't the manufacturers and organizations mandating the jab, accepting liability? If apparently they don't fully trust in the safety of the jab, why are they mandating it?

Until the authorities answer all YOUR questions to YOUR satisfaction, you should not comply with their mandates.

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