13 Ways to Make Your Ex Want You Back (after the breakup)

3 years ago

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Here are 13 ways to make your ex fall in love with you again:

#1: Learn to accept that you broke up in the first place

If you and your boyfriend recently broke up, you're probably going over and over in your head the relationship advice that you had with him. And you're remembering love advice tv all of the little things he did for you that made you feel special and made you go crazy for him.

You must face the facts that the break up actually happened. Acceptance is the first step in helping you and giving you a greater chance to get back with your ex. Remember that the love you had with your ex in the past can become greater and stronger the next time as long as you learn to accept the break up first!

#2: Never doubt yourself

You might be asking yourself right now: "What went wrong? Was it something I did? Why did he have to leave? Am I not good enough for him?" These are normal and understandable questions but dwelling on them won't help you recover one bit in dating advice.

#3: Consider why you want your ex back

Layout the groundwork. Remember the good reasons why you want to get back together as well as bad reasons.

Sometimes asking people you trust can also help to consider why you want to get back with your ex.

#4: Decide if your ex-boyfriend is worth getting back

Let's assume that the "ex" is someone who is worthy of your time, attention, and affection. If that is the case then these are more reasons for you to get back with him. If he was a serial cheater, an abuser, or a player, then you shouldn't waste your time getting him back.

#5: Begging never works

Whatever the reason was for your breakup, it won't get any better with you begging and pleading. Using pity with your ex will only make it harder for you to get back with him since he sees you as someone who is weak and insecure.

#6: Value yourself

Even if you are certain that you want to get back with your ex, you should work on yourself first. Focus on improving yourself by taking up a new hobby, improving your health by exercising, or try and spending more time with friends.

#7: Don't accept less than you deserve

If you are not getting the relationship that you desire, it is because you have set your expectations too low and allowed someone to treat you disrespectfully. A woman should know how to value herself, and she should never allow anyone to treat them badly.

#8: Keep your distance

After the break-up, try and create some distance with you and your ex. This means no calls, texts, or emails. Your ex doesn't want to do anything with you at the moment and constantly contacting him won't force him to reconsider his decision.

If your ex is the one who contacts you first, don't respond. This may be hard for you to do since you still feel strong emotions towards him. But trust us, this can help you in the long run. Set a no contact rule for a specific period. You can consider responding to him after that period.

#9: Don't freak out when your ex starts dating

You might be surprised that after some time has passed that your ex might already be dating someone. We're here to tell you that you shouldn't freak out about this. Your ex is probably in a rebound relationship and these kinds of relationships don't last long. It might be his way of coping up with your breakup.

#10: You can still be friends

Most breakups end with both parties separating from each other completely. This is certainly not the right thing to do if you want to get him back.

Now is the time to be strong and allow him to come back into your life voluntarily. You shouldn't allow him total access to your love advice until he deserves it.

#11: Don't condone or accept behavior that is unacceptable

Do not allow your ex to get away with bad behavior. When you get back together it is best to address the issues you know caused problems in your past relationships.

#12: Be honest and open with your ex

There will come a time where he will ask to see you. If he does, you must be strong and firm in your conviction. You are starting a new relationship with him and you aren’t just picking up where the old relationship left off. Be honest about what you feel towards him but don't make it so that he can sense the desperation in your part get ex back.

#13: Forgive him and yourself so you can heal

Do not hold onto negative feelings and anger over what happened between you and your ex. You must proceed to forgive him and yourself for the breakup.

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