Ex-WHO vice-president More people are killed by vaccines than infected. Fake data by Big Pharm..

3 years ago

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The former WHO vice-president Professor PERRONNE spoke at the at the European Parliament in Luxembourg:

More people are killed by vaccines than infected. Articles about vaccines and vaccine companies have fabricated fake data. This is the biggest scandal of vaccines. We are led to believe in vaccines. In fact, these are not vaccines at all.

These vaccines are completely ineffective, cannot prevent infection, and do not protect patients from severe illness. The more vaccines are used in countries, the more serious the epidemic will be. Now more than 90% of people in the intensive care unit have received two to three doses of the vaccine, so Vaccines do not stop contagion at all, these prove that it is not a vaccine, the absurdity of forcing a vaccine must be stopped

The European Medicines Agency admits that they do not know the ingredients of these vaccines, but authorizes them to use them. Without vaccination and cessation of vaccines, the epidemic would have ended long ago!

According to international treaties including the Nuremberg Code, it is completely forbidden to force people to inoculate experimental products. Therefore, members of parliament who voted for compulsory inoculation of experimental products can be prosecuted in criminal court with the International Court of Justice for serious harm. human life

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