2 years ago
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suffers from a rare disease called spasmodic dysphonia which causes his voice to quaver and make speech difficult. It is a form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the Larynx. In 2012 Larry David the creator of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and co- creator of “Seinfeld” introduced Robert to his on-screen wife Cheryl Hines . In 2014 they married in Hyannis Port Massachusetts. Therefore I make the assertion that there is no reason that Robert F Kennedy Junior needs to make public speeches like this when he has only been attacked for making them. Very few of us with his ability to just disappear from the public eye and have a safe and content quiet life would speak out about the work and discovery he writes about and reports on. In addition imagine the daily difficulty he must go through with his larynx health issues to communicate daily let alone to make brilliant “to the point” speeches like this one. His spirit and enthusiasm must be fueled by genuine exceptional passion. Those censoring his message can easily be proven to be fueled by the fear of incriminating evidence and loss of profit and power. Listen to his facts or read them in the forthcoming transcript. I challenge anyone to discredit what he tells us in this speech that currently seems to be censored and and limited with controlled distribution. His concern with vaccine issues may have begun when his son developed an anaphylaxis allergy to peanuts which upon further research led him to believe the allergy was linked to certain vaccinations that were approved beginning in 1989. Mothers from 1990 through 2015 and on have continued to be amazed by what is now considered a standard in US classrooms that peanut butter and jelly is no longer a safe children’s food.... “Why?” We all wondered.... But now it is just accepted. Please take 30 minutes and listen to everything he says especially the way the Pfizer six month study manipulated its results. You say it was science no my dear friends it was the magic of statistical manipulation. I dare you to prove RFK

RFK, Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suffers from a rare disease called spasmodic dysphonia which causes his voice to quaver and make speech difficult. It is a form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the Larynx.
In 2012 Larry David the creator of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” and co- creator of “Seinfeld” introduced Robert to his on-screen wife Cheryl Hines . In 2014, they married in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. Therefore, I make the assertion that there is no reason that Robert F Kennedy Junior needs to make public speeches like this when he has only been attacked for making them.
Very few of us with his ability to just disappear from the public eye and have a safe and content quiet life would speak out about the work and discovery he writes about and reports on. In addition, imagine the daily difficulty he must go through with his larynx health issues to communicate daily, let alone to make brilliant “to the point” speeches like this one.
His spirit and enthusiasm must be fueled by genuine exceptional passion. Those censoring his message can easily be proven to be fueled by the fear of incriminating evidence and loss of profit and power. Listen to his facts or read them in the forthcoming transcript. I challenge anyone to discredit what he tells us in this speech that currently seems to be censored and and limited with controlled distribution.
His concern with vaccine issues may have begun when his son developed an anaphylaxis allergy to peanuts which upon further research led him to believe the allergy was linked to certain vaccinations that were approved beginning in 1989. Mothers from 1990 through 2015 and on, have continued to be amazed by what is now considered a standard in US classrooms, that peanut butter and jelly is no longer a safe children’s food.... “Why?” We all wondered.... But now it is just accepted.
Please take 30 minutes and listen to everything he says, especially the way the Pfizer six month study manipulated its results. You say it was science, no my dear friends, it was the magic of statistical manipulation. I dare you to prove RFK, Jr. wrong.

January 23, 2022
March for Anti Vaccine Mandates
Washington DC

Pfizer‘s own data in the section of their submission to the FDA where they talk about “all cause mortality” says very simply, over the six month period of the study used to obtain FDA approval, and by the way, they then unblinded it and they gave the vaccine to the placebo group…..so we will never know the long-term effects of this vaccine ….. but anyway here’s what happened

In the six months, of the 22,000 people in the vaccine group, 21 of them died over the six month period. Of the 22,000 people in the placebo group, at least 17 died. What that means, if you extrapolate it, is that if you take the vaccine you have a 21% increase chance of dying over the next six months.

Now what happened was, in the vaccine group of 22,000, one person died of Covid and in the placebo group, 2 people died from Covid. That allowed Pfizer to tell the FDA that the vaccine is 95-100% effective …..because two (2) is 100% of one (1)…..and that is a metric called “relative risk”. It is a deception. The important thing for you and all to know and to understand is “absolute risk”. Here’s what absolute risk tells us ….. They have to give 22,000 vaccines to protect one person from a death from Covid. So, to extrapolate further, to give 22,000 vaccines to prevent one death, you better make sure that the vaccine doesn’t kill anyone, because if it kills one person, you have canceled out all the benefits of the vaccine.
However in their real “absolute risk” data, Pfizer saw 21 people die in the vaccine group and only 17 die in the placebo group. So, where did those excess deaths come from? The answer to that is heart attacks and in the vaccine group there were five fatal heart attacks.

Among those 22,000 people in the placebo group, there was one fatal heart attack. So what that means in terms of real “relative risk” is if you take the vaccine, you’re 500% more likely to die of a heart attack over the next six months after the vaccine than without it.

It also means that for every person they say dies from Covid after the vaccine, they are killing four people from heart attacks. Now the vaccine is in the marketplace and what we’ve seen is that the data points confirm the fact that people are dying of heart attacks. In addition, the VAERS system that they are trying to redefine says there have been 1 million injuries and 20,000 more deaths than from all other vaccines combined over the last 30 some years. The VAERS does show this. That is a fact. And before this ever came out the VAERS was considered faulty because it Under-Reported Adverse Events NOT because it over-reported adverse events.

If you believe otherwise you are being manipulated by Big Pharma and by those that have compromised their professional credentials for profitable corruption and bureaucratic control.

Listen to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., then try and find the other speeches given out today that shatter Covid and its Vaccine Narratives. It is being censored. I hope you see this before it is removed.

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