JC Video Reel - Optics Bumpers Commercials Trailers 2021

2 years ago

These are all Commercials, Trailers, Optics, Scissor Reels, Bumpers, Teasors, Network Branding Break Bumpers, and full Corporate Videos - All the work from the following sequence constitutes my intellectual property and no one else s, and it is part of my portfolio or the property being created was commissioned with other associated artists as always given permission and authorized to display this Expression for Portfolio Purposes Only. To all Professional Artists that worked with me on these projects please note Automaton YouTube cannot tell a difference between professional work and copied work because it's as dumb computer. Always asking me that I cannot monetize, and will give "monetisation" to you but nothing for me, truly unconscionable, especially when I hired many of you or we collaborated on Charity Events, least to say definitely unsconsionable YouTube has become. Anyway, philosophically, a lot of talking is needed with each other which would be a kind thing to do now these and having the tolerance to listening and understand different points of view.

You Can Reach For now through my personal website www.jcmoses.com

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