Why did I choose affiliate marketing?

2 years ago

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With so many options for ways to make money online,
why did I choose affiliate marketing...

Well the short answer is that I wanted the challenge of learning something new that would help me reach my financial goals but not eat up all of my time doing it.

Now let me tell you why...

Many years ago I had a good management level career with a small company and I enjoyed working with my employees.

Fast forward a bit and it didn't last.
New corporate owners and a director that didn't like my management style and suddenly I'm unemployed.

My ONE source of income for the last 16 years... gone...

I was stunned to say the least.

I had been out of the job market for so long I didn't know what to do. I had planned to retire from that little company.

So I freaked out for a little bit and then I started looking for work.

I had never dreamed that I would be starting over, in my early 40's.

I didn't have a degree, I still don't, and only specialized skills for an industry that I no longer wanted to be a part of.

When I was looking for my next career I took several jobs just to support my family.
I did everything from selling insurance to driving a forklift in a production warehouse facility, I even hand dug trenches for a summer. In my 40's... That was rough.

Then I started my current career.
I'm a fabrication worker for a large company.

My turning point was a Tony Robbins book.
Money, Master the Game.

I had decided by this point that I would never allow all of my income to come from ONE source.

I started investing, as much as I could without hurting my families finances.
I'm our only source of income.
I wasn't able to invest much out of each check but my little investment was growing.
I did the math and to reach my goal of being able to live solely on my dividend income from my investment... at my starting age...

I would have to invest nearly 5,000$ a month....

That was my entire salary, before taxes and insurance. I was realizing I was screwed.

I started driving rideshare. I made a little more but it took a lot of time to earn anything.

Then I read the Four Hour Work Week.

I had a new goal. An online business.
Something that could make me money even while I was sleeping.

I tried online sales sites like; eBay, FB marketplace, Craigslist, letgo....
Trying to buy items that I could sell for a higher price online.

That didn't go so well. I made some but the shipping charges were always incorrect so I really didn't make anything.

Then I discovered affiliate marketing...

The simple idea is that you get commissions for helping other companies sell their products. No overhead from buying and storing items to sell, no real returns to deal with... It was an amazing revelation...

If only it were that simple.

I had started creating product bridge pages and I was creating headlines from the sales pages.

I read anything I could find on marketing and consumed Thousands of hours of informational videos on YouTube.

I thought I understood enough to be successful.
I laugh now.
I just didn't know how much I really didn't know.

Fast forward again. I've learned more, in fact you will ALWAYS have to learn more to be successful.

Landing page setups was next.
Then copywriting.
Then email marketing.
Then analytics.
Then writing ads.

You see it just keeps going,
But if you're serious and want the challenge...
This gives you the ability to earn a massive amount of money and can help you achieve freedom.

Time freedom and financial freedom.

Think about it.
Affiliate marketing income, without spending
Thousands of hours learning how to be successful at it.

Hey, that choice is yours.

I choose financial freedom By Having My Own Online Business.

Are you with me?

Find out more at the link below in the description.

Will you take the first step toward your own financial freedom?

To YOUR future.



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