EPIC Testimony- Speaker: Kevin Tuttle Wisconsin Senate Committee on Health/ Public Hearing; Senate Bill 336.January 12, 2022.

3 years ago

EPIC Testimony- Speaker: Kevin Tuttle
Senate Committee on Health/ Public Hearing; Senate Bill 336.January 12, 2022. Senator Carpenter has a meltdown in response to Tuttle’s moving testimony. Senator Carpenter insults Tuttle’s “Manlihood” during absurd response resulting in an off topic temper tantrum. Tuttle is a US Veteran speaking out for freedom of choice, medical freedom, and for religious freedom. #medicalfreedom #kevintuttle #wisconsin #mybodymychoice #freedomoverfear #discrimination #senatortimcarpenter #wisconsinsenate #patriots #religousfreedom #nomandates #stoptheshot #followthescience

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