play with dog

3 years ago

Pet Accessories You Need
T have a dog. Its name is Tom. It has long black hairs all
over its body. It has four legs, two eyes, two ears, and a
long tail. I give it milk, rice and meat to eat. Tom is very
strong and intelligent. It is very faithful and obedient to
me. It watches our house at night. It barks when it sees a
stranger. It guards our house at night. The thieves are
afraid of it. It follows me wherever I go. Sometimes it
licks my feet and wags its tail before me. It never hurt it. I
always obey my order. So I like it so much.
Essay on My Pet Dog (150 to 200 words)
The dog is a very helpful pet animal. Dogs are very
faithful to its owner and never go against to him in any
situation. I have a pet dog. It looks very beautiful. I call it
Jack. Jack has been with us for the last nine months. Its
colour is black. It is three feet long. It has a bushy tail. It
has four thin legs. It runs very fast. Jack is so much
healthy and playful. I always give healthy food. I give it
meat, egg, fish, bread, rice and etc. I always take proper
care of it. I wash its whole body with soap and water.
When I come back from school, it wags its tail with joy. It
watches our house at night. Jack knows everybody in my
family. It barks when it sees a new person, but it does
not bite him. He is very intelligent. It is so much trusty
and obedient to us. Whenever I have free time I play the
ball with my pet dog. I like him very much. I love him so
much. My parents also love him.
Nowadavs when human are being selfish it is so much

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