On the street effort to get UK Police to treat COVID vaccine injection site as a crime scene

3 years ago

On the street effort to get UK Police to treat COVID vaccine injection site as a crime scene

Police Sergeant is persistent on not making any arrests or seizure of any weapons (mRNA Gene altering Therapy injectable). Despite being made aware of the crimes being committed and the Law and Duty as Police Constable to Protect the People under his Oath.

His persistent stance on not making any arrests, seizure of the Murder weapons (mRNA Gene altering Therapy injectable) and his excuse of 'Following Orders', ignorance and facilitation of the crime to continue is no excuse therefore will potentially put him at the mercy of any Nuremberg Trials etc...

Notice how he keeps trying to deflect and discredit them as a protest...

Police Sargent Constable of Dorset Police.

Location: NHS Park Lodge (Kings Park Community Hospital)


Related videos:

1) "COVID-19 Vaccines under Criminal Investigation with Hammersmith CID Police Station"

2) "Common Law being enforced to launch investigation into COVID vaccines crimes against humanity in UK"

3) (uploaded Jan 21th) "More effort trying to get Common Law to be enforced to stop COVID injections in the UK"

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