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No to covid mandates

3 years ago

This video is showing Bari Weiss a leftie by definition saying loud and clear that she got fed up with mandatory rules of the government that are covid related.
Fed up with the force vaccines, masks, and everything that is related to this madness that every single government in the world tried to impose on their citizens as they were doing the bid of their big bosses from pharma!
interesting video indeed! Be blessed

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Bari, while the virus exists and makes people sick, it was never a viral pandemic - it was a bad science pandemic attached to political & monetary gain for Pfizer, the Democrat party, and the MSM. True to form, Bari appeals to a special interest group by stating young girl stats. PEOPLE OF ALL AGES were affected by the mental pressures of this psy-op. From the start, good doctors knew the virus (0.1 microns) was 3 times too small for the most effective mask to stop (an N95 ventilator, fitted to the wearer, stops 95% of particles 0.3 microns or larger). The press maliciously attacked mask opponents. Thousands were effectively treated and returned to health by cheap Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. The Pfizer-backed Press demonized those drugs and doctors prescribing them as heretics (for effectively treating patients). An malicious Press offered a story: "only idiots would use horse de-wormer" and told lies of clogged ERs in rural Oklahoma where "gun shot victims can't be seen because so many people have OD'd on horse Ivermectin." Oklahoma is not Chicago, LA, Baltimore, Detroit, Portland, Seattle, or San Francisco - to suggest a rural OK hospital was treating multiple GSWs each night is the press imposing their cesspool world view from what they know from their lawless Leftist cities on fly-over America. That hospital called for a retraction: they had NO Ivermectin or GSW patients. This is fear porn for political gain and, frankly, U.S. citizens are fed up. The press can't tell the truth to save their life, or for that matter, the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans who died because Pfizer needed Emergency Use Authorization it couldn't get as long as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were available to treat Covid. So the Press threw stones, demonized effective doctors, and touted results from over-amplified PCR tests. The pandemic is Press-aided medical tyranny for profit and political gain where medical practitioners ignore science and data.

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