Continue The Race

2 years ago

Lyrics: By Mandy MC
Living a life of sin.
It's like a cancer, manifesting inside your soul.
But there is a cure and it's the Lord.

When you come before Him, He heals your soul from within.
He is the cure to all you fear, the guilt, the shame, He takes it all away when you come to Him.
Everytime you see a cross, be reminded that He paid it all, it was finished.
Now we better have our houses in order for the days that await us, there is nothing we can do to stop His plan.
It has been set from the beginning, there is nothing we can do, but embrace Him.
The riches of this world fail in comparison to the place He has prepared for those that belong to Him.
We shall not grow hungry or thirst again.
For our Lord, our Savior will always be present.
He will be King of kings and Lord of Lords without question!
My Faith, Hope, and Love is found in Him.
These are the true riches when we place it with Him, where no thieves can break in.
He protects us from those who desire our souls.
Grounded in Faith, I will walk like those that have traveled this road.
They ran their race and have conquered death.
All thanks to Yeshua for dying in our place.
This wicked world no longer has a hold on me, for He overcame.
He gave me a taste of His Living Water and that's where it began.
I will profess Him Lord and Savior of my life before the world!
He knew the sin that was ever before me, I didn't have to say a word.
Revealed the stranger I had become, as I fell to the ground in complete surrender.
Grown tired of running away, and fell into Him.
Sorry for the wretch I'd become, He forgave and gave new life from within.
At the end of myself, I found Him, where He had always been.
Once left my first love, but have returned back to Him.
Now I cannot imagine my life without Him again.
He is my Best Friend and sticks closer than a Brother.
My Bridegroom, the perfect One I had been searching for all along.
My rock, my refuge, the Peace in the storm.
My heart longs for no other like the One who died for me, my heart belongs to Him.
Thanks for Your Forgiveness and cleansing me of my sin.
For redeeming me even though I blamed You for everything.
For reconciling me to our Father, so I can be in His Presence.
Showing me that hatred only leads to bitterness.
For teaching me to forgive others and rooting out all bitterness.
Teaching me how to pray for my enemies even when it seemed impossible.
I love You for everything You are, even though it's unfathomable.
My finite mind can't embrace.
I love You with my heart, mind, soul, and strength.
And I know You see that, regardless of who accepts it or not.
My focus remains on You.
Conqueror of my heart.
The Heavenly Thoughts inside my head.
Redeemer of my soul.
The Strength inside my bones.
I am Yours alone, no other has loved me, the way You do Oh Lord!

God Bless.

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