Australian PM Scott Morrson addressing the World Economic Forum

3 years ago

MUST WATCH - If you needed any convincing that Australian PM and other politicians are not in LOCKSTEP with the World Economic Forum / United Nations alliance then you must watch this video. You will see Morrison and hear him state that "Australia voluntarily lined up to be vaccinated" a bold faced lie. There is no mention of the human rights abuses, the failure of the vaccine, the massive accrued debt of the country, the police violence, the bashing of children by the police, of old woman, the firing of rubber bullets on unarmed protestors, the right to work, eat in a restaurant, have a beer, to travel from state to state, travel overseas etc. He paints a rosy picture of Australia to his masters at the WEF/UN of a bright future for Australia under the guise that Australia is still a free democracy. Listening to his words and thinking in the context of the desired outcomes of Agenda 21 and the UN sustainable development goals (they are not about just climate) it is clear that the script for the world is being authored by the WEF/UN, distributed by the WEF/UN and parrotted by puppet politicians that are products of the political party process churning out fake leaders that are able to hijack democracy and steer there countries against their will in the direction of the WEF/UN Mr Global Agenda.

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