The Sun we Don't Know (10 lesser-known facts about the sun, which you probably don’t know)

2 years ago

The Sun we Don’t Know.(10 lesser-known facts about the sun, which you probably don’t know)

From years scientists have been studying Sun with the help of ground-based telescopes and satellites. They have found out many facts about the sun. For example.
Sun is the nearest star to our planet, it is also the largest object with 99.8% of the solar system’s mass.
The temperature of the surface of the sun is about 10000 degrees Celsius. Because of continuous nuclear reactions, the temperature of the core of the sun reaches to whooping 15 million degrees Celsius.
The major ingredient of the sun’s composition is hydrogen. Due to nuclear fusion in the core of the sun, some of the hydrogen turns into helium which creates unimaginable energy. The energy moves outward and it is released into the solar system as heat and light and some of it reaches earth.
Probably, most of us know these facts about the sun, but today galaxian channel will give you 10 lesser-known facts about the sun, which you probably don’t know. let us start now.

Number 1. Sun is not a unique star.
Though Sun is a star, but its size is not as big as other known stars. But don’t get disheartened yet, irrespective of its smaller size, sun can hold 1.3 million earths inside it.

Number 2. The earth Terminator.
If nothing else consumes earth for another 130 million years, then the sun, which will be a red giant by then, will engulf it.
When the sun will run out of its hydrogen reserves, it will get so large in size, that it will engulf all the nearby planets which include mercury, Venus and Earth.

Number 3. The last days of our star.
After consuming the earth during the red giant phase, sun will begin to collapse and shrink. In fact, its volume will be as much as earth, though its mass will be same as before. This will be its white dwarf phase.

Number 4. Sun is a perfect sphere.
Sun is almost a perfect sphere observed in nature. Scientists believed at first that because of sun’s spin, it may be bulging in the center, but they were astounded to find that it is almost a perfect sphere.

Number 5. The Sun Speed.
Our local Sun, along with its solar system, moves at the speed of 200 Kilometers per second. With this speed it takes 230 million years for our solar system to travel around the milky way.

Number 6. Sun is a middle-aged star.
Like Earth, sun is 4.5 billion years old, which means that the sun is in a yellow dwarf stage, and it has other 5 billion years left before it turns into a white dwarf, and begins to disintegrate.

Number 7. The Sun-Earth distance.
The distance between the sun and the earth keeps on changing. It is because, earth travels on elliptical orbit around the sun. The distance of earth from sun ranges between 147 million to 152 million kilometers.

Number 8. Rotation and Atmosphere.
Sun rotates in the opposite direction to earth. Sun has a 3 layered atmosphere, which are Photosphere, the chromosphere and the corona.

Number 9. Sun’s Powerful Magnetic field:
magnetic storms are a regular phenomenon on sun. During solar magnetic storms, magnetic energy is released by the sun, which causes solar flares. The solar flares occur almost 10 times a year, and this spectacle can be even seen from the earth.

Number 10. Neutrinos.
In a major breakthrough, scientists have recently detected neutrinos formation on sun, due to a strange mysterious process. Scientists say that this discovery will not only help them to reveal the elements within the sun’s core, but it will also help them to understand the phenomenon inside supernova, and or other distant stars.

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