Baked Bean and Tomato Soup (1923)

3 years ago

Baked Bean and Tomato Soup (Heartier version)
A Book of Unusual Soups
Mary D. Chambers
2 cups baked beans
1 cup sifted tomato pulp
½ bay leaf
2 stalks celery
2 sprigs parsley
½ tsp paprika
Use for seasoning any or all of the following: bay leaf, one half of one; celery, two stalks, finely chopped; parsley, one or two sprigs; and one half teaspoonful of paprika. This soup may be thickened with two tablespoonfuls of flour rubbed smooth with one or two tablespoonfuls of butter.

Did we eat: Yes

Would I make again: Yes

Notes: I did not thicken with flour and butter.

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