2 years ago


In this video, Pastor Conrad Vine shares how everyone is being told to "take the vaccine to protect your brother. Take the vaccine to save your co-worker and take it to save your grandma so she doesn't die. This is a compelling argument UNTIL you think about what they are saying.

This argument assumes that I have a certain responsibility to my brother and it assumes that he has a certain responsibility toward me. If everyone has been told that, we all have a responsibility to one another. There is a mutual responsibility to one another in society.

So, we are to take action to eliminate harm and suffering to our brother and my brother is to do likewise to eliminate harm and suffering to me. This is a shared social responsibility when we take the vaccine BUT when the CARES Act was passed, the U.S. Congress decided that nobody will bear responsibility for any negative consequences to me. Let that soak in for a moment.

We are being told to take responsibility toward our family, friends, relatives and co-workers and get the vaccine to protect them and that they should do the same toward me and yet, those responsible for promoting, manufacturing and injecting this experimental drug into people are not being held responsible for any negative harm or death that comes from this experimental drug? Seriously, we are being manipulated. We are supposed to be responsible yet, they are not responsible? Do we see a problem here? Wake up people. You cannot trust those who manufacture this experimental drug that alters your DNA and greatly compromises your natural immune system. Plus, running the risk of life altering complications and worse death.

Over and over we are learning of how people who have gotten this experimental drug they call a "vaccine" that cannot legally be classified as a vaccine are winding up in the hospital because of what it is doing to their body. They are seriously ill. Many have died and many more will die from getting this experimental drug injected into them.

Those in the medical community cannot be trusted because many doctors and other healthcare workers have turned against society to fatten their pockets. They have an ancient disease called GREED. Pastor Conrad Vine talks about herd immunity is not the goal. He also stated that even those who have been vaccinated can still pass on COVID to those who have not been vaccinated. He talks about why the frequency of the booster shots continue to lessen because the vaccine's ability to provide immunity is not lasting as long as it is supposed to. The spike protein in the virus that existed in November of 2019 does not exist any more in popular circulation. The vaccines were designed to fight the battles 2 years ago. If you have a booster, you are using the weapons of 2 years ago to fight the new variants of today.

Pastor Conrad Vine has more he shares and you do not want to miss the remainder of his speech.

Pastor Conrad Vine's website

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIWX6exNj2U

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